Monday, 5 May 2008

Going Round In Circles?

Labour are doing that many U-turns at the moment, they are at risk of going round in circles.

Can you believe anything they say anymore?

Remember at election time they were saying that if we voted SNP then extremely bad things would happen to Scotland! Well we are still waiting.

Remember barley a couple of months ago, Wendy Alexander claimed that a referendum was a distraction and would only feed the SNP's obsession.

Remember Alexander then got her Unionist mates together and set up a commission to look at the role of the devolved Scottish Parliament, EXCLUDING independence.

Now, she has completely bypassed her own commission and is saying what is Salmond waiting for. She wants a referendum on independence right now with a simple yes or no to the question.

Labour are an absolute joke and I sincerely hope that this political gamble comes back to bite Alexander on the arse when Scotland votes yes to the independence question.

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