Friday, 16 February 2007

Jostling for Position

The election is approaching with the relentlessness of a long distance runner. And it looks like the Party which has the most stamina will come out on top in May. Have some parties gone for too much too soon?

For instance, the Labour Party have wheeled out their "Big Gun" this week, or should that be smoking gun? As Tony Blair made his annual visit to Scotland. He ignores Scotland for 95% of the year, only turning to them for their votes in parliament or when there is an election approaching, yet expects them to listen when he talks.

One person that is listening is Alex Salmond. Tony pleads to Alex, "Stop attacking me over the Iraq War. Let’s debate Scotland’s future."

"OK," says Alex and challenges Tony to a debate on Scotland’s future, like he has to Tony’s friend Jack on numerous occasions.

"Um, arrgh, well……," Tony says as he has no vision for Scotland, just like his friend Jack.

One man that does have a vision for Scotland is Scottish Lib Dem leader Nicol Stephen. But this vision does not include independence. Despite phrases like, "we champion freedom," "we aim to disperse power," and "we want to enable citizens to take part in the decisions that affect their lives," contained in their raison d’etre on their website, Mr Stephen has said that the issue of a referendum on independence is non-negotiable. He does not want one. The question that needs asked is he speaking for himself or his party?

The same question could be levelled at the SSP. Is their manifesto a serious attempt at getting MSPs elected or is it simply cheap shots at Tommy Sheridan?

Cheap shots are exactly what Noel Gallgher is now having at Tony Blair. Has all that alcohol during the nineties given him a case of amnesia for I recall back in 1997, during the "Cool Britania" era, he was sipping champagne, laughing and joking with Mr Blair. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that, I am sure Mr Blair is thinking.

Some people who are definitely our friends at the moment are those nice councillors. The average council tax bill has risen less than the rate of inflation. Have they been taking generosity pills? O h, no, wait a minute. That is right there is an election around the corner and this is their pathetic attempt to win our vote.

For a nation with amongst the worst child poverty and worst male survival rates in Europe, surely it is time for change. Have your say.

Let someone else have a go.


Anonymous said...

The Labour-controlled 'Kilmarnock and Loudon' council is getting absolute pelters in the local rag this week because they have risen council tax by only 1.5%, and everyone here sees it for what it is. Looks as though this type of policy will backfire on Labour - maybe the Scottish electorate are now seeing these numpties for what they really are?

Reluctant Hero said...

Ha, ha, let's hope so Bryan!!