Friday, 16 March 2007

Who is bankrupting who?

With less than seven weeks to go until polling day, the independence movement is riding on the crest of a wave.

But what is this?

Surfing up alongside is none other than Sir George Mathewson, the former Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland. He has added his credence to the independence debate by declaring that he sees, "no circumstance where independence would be a serious disadvantage." Now this guy knows what he is talking about having guided the Royal Bank of Scotland to become the fifth biggest bank in the world.

There are other prominent businessmen surfing alongside Independence, but a glance over the shoulder sees Tony Blair, dangerously close to a Trident submarine, surfing a board that is shaped like the United Kingdom with Scotland cut off the top. He is not doing very well as he and his UK surf board appear to be sinking.

"Help, help," splutters Tony, "we can’t manage without Scotland. We would end up broke without them," he says as he did in his speech in Edinburgh today.

How can that be possible though Independence asks? Your recent argument for Scotland not going alone was that Scotland was bankrolled by London. Was this just a myth all along? Now Scotland could bankrupt Britain if it went alone? How do you answer that Tony?

But it’s too late, because Trident, which the UK parliament voted to keep this week, despite the majority of Scottish MPs voting against it, has destroyed Tony.

Those pesky rogue states with nuclear weapons Independence utters as he surfs towards a safe and exciting independent future.

Discuss all this and much more at Our Scotland

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