Thursday, 28 February 2008

More Power

Nicol Stephen has appeared on the radar for the first time since……, well the elections come to think of it. Ahead of the Lib Dems conference in Aivemore this week he has been talking about more powers for the Scottish Parliament. Apparently, the world is moving his way!!

I just couldn’t believe it when I read that. What have the Lib Dems done in the last 9 months to shape thinking around more powers for the Scottish Parliament? Aye, exactly – NOTHING!

The debate has been around the SNP wanting independence and Wendy Alexander’s Commission being hijacked by Gordon Brown.

The fact is that the Lib Dems were offered the opportunity on a plate to shape the landscape of Scotland when the SNP asked them to enter into coalition talks, but they flatly refused even to enter into negotiations.

So how they can credibly claim that the debate is moving their way when they have all but been forgotten in Scottish politics is beyond me!

And another thing that pisses me off is this quote from Stephen:

"We must take this chance, we must seize this opportunity. We want powers for a purpose. We still have single ministers in Whitehall who expect to control the lives of tens of millions of people from their desks."

So why does he not support independence? If he is that concerned about having more powers, then why not have the ultimate power of how Scotland is governed – INDEPENDENCE


Anonymous said...

Why? Because he is an idiot.

Or because he wants the opportunity to use Westminster with more power and more money for himself.

Reluctant Hero said...

Stephen had his shot at power.

I can't see him lasting much longer as leader after the next election.

Although ironically, last night on Question Time, the audience just couldn't get enough of him.
