Friday 1 August 2008

The Three Muskateers

The nominations have closed on the Scottish Labour Leadership with three names being thrown into the ring.

Andy Kerr
Cathy Jamieson
Iain Gray

Nominations have also closed for the deputy leader as well with Bill Butler and Johann Lamont being put forward.

Something just isn't adding up for me though with Cathy Jamieson.

Elaine Smith, MSP for Coatbridge and Chryston (also my MSP), is a prominent member of the Campaign for Socialism organisation within the Scottish Labour Party.

Now she gives her nomination to Bill Butler for the deputy leadership which would make sense as he is seen to be on the left of the party.

However, Smith does not give her nomination to any of the candidates standing for leader. Why is that? Does she not believe all the hype there has been recently about Jamieson returning to left wing policies?

1 comment:

Democracy Scotland said...

hiya, was wondering whether you could take a look at my blog at;

and see what you think, join in the campaign if you so wish?

thanks in advance,