Friday 6 February 2009

Inclement Times

So does the “One Eyed Scottish Idiot” have any idea of how to drag the UK out of this economic mess? Clearly Jeremy Clarkson does not seem to think so. The day I look towards Clarkson for political inspiration though will be the day I am led away by the men in white coats. However having said that, there is an element of truth in what Clarkson says.

Brown keeps claiming that he is the man to get not just us, but the whole world onto a safe footing, yet let us not forget, he also claimed to have ended boom and bust! At the moment it looks like both he and the Bank of England are intent on storing up problems for the future for very little gain just now.

Brown also has very little to gain from telling wildcat strikers that their actions were, “not the right thing to do.” I am pretty sure they are not going to take too kindly to being lectured like that. If something is blatantly unfair, then standing up for yourself and your fellow workers is definitely the right thing to do.

He should be saving his lectures for all those greedy bankers who despite having to be bailed out by the public to the tune of billions of pounds, still think it is okay to award themselves massive bonuses. Some people really need to get a grip on reality.

Grip is something people have been really struggling with lately as uncharacteristic weather sweeps across the country. I think some people down south have blown it out of all proportion though. Firstly the amount of coverage it has received in the media is just astounding. How many ways can you find to say, “It’s snowing!”?

Secondly some people are wondering why certain areas came to a standstill with inadequate levels of salt etc. Well here is a clue. You haven’t seen snow like it for 18 years, so it would have been unrealistic for you to be equipped for it.

Coming from the Highlands, I can appreciate sometimes the elements just beat you and there is nothing you can do. When I have been travelling north you know there is always a possibility in the winter that you can get stuck on the Slochd or Drumochter summits. You just accept that is the case. I think a lot of people down south would do well to just chill out a bit. (Pardon the pun!)

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Anonymous said...


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