Friday, 1 April 2011

The Excitemtent Builds

Ever since the polling card with my name on it came crashing through the door yesterday, it has been restlessly demanding to be taken to the nearest polling booth so it can voice its political opinion!

Calm down, I say.

But the polling card is having none of it. There is political literature trickling through the door every day with parties vying for its vote. There is placards on the lamp posts. There is countless TV interviews. There is leadership debates. It is all coming to a head and will culminate in a crescendo of silence as the ink dries on the X against the voting slip.

What? There is more than one than one voting slip? Surely the Gould Report should have been listened to, with different votes taking place on different days? The slips have different colours? Ah, I am sure that will prevent the chaos of last time!

All that is required now is to sit back and watch the results flood in. What? Some votes will not happen overnight? What a disaster! Surely the sheer drama, excitement, highs, lows, memorable moments etc etc will be dampened down if we don't have an overnight count?

One thing is for sure, they could have the count for Coatbridge and Chryston, the constituency I live in, next December, but you would still know the outcome on Thursday 5th May. As Jeff at Better Nation put it in his excellent analysis of the Central Scotland - Easy Labour Hold.

Will the SNP hold onto power though?

The excitement is building!!

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