Monday 4 April 2011

Salmond Best For First Minister

You know it is going to be a long hard campaign when firstly you are consistently polling in single percentage points. Secondly, you lose two candidates before the race has even begun. And finally, one of your most experienced MSPs comes out with his personal endorsement of a leader for an opposition party for First Minister.

Yeah, the Lib Dems retiring MSP for Ross, Skye and Inverness West, John Farquhar Munro, has come out and said that he reckons the Alex Salmond would make the best First Minister.

A number of people must be raging at this move by Munro.

Firstly Tavish Scott, who apparently looks like Steve Davis, would expect the backing of everybody in the Liberal Democrats before an election. Even though he has next to no chance of being First Minister, I think he would reasonably be expecting his MSPs to say that he is the best candidate.

Secondly, Alan MacCrae, the new Lib Dem candidate for the new seat of Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch must be thinking, “Gee, thanks mate!” With this endorsement of Salmond the electorate will be left to interpret whether a vote for the SNP is in order.

Finally, Annabel Goldie must be spitting silver spoons out of her mouth. The Tories launched their manifesto today, but this has been relegated in the news because of Munro. So we don’t get to hear about reinstatement of prescription charges or the introduction of student fees.

It will be interesting to see whether this intervention will have any effect on the outcome of the seats in the Highlands and Islands.

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